Public Exclusion of Seniors

Public Exclusion of Seniors

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Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences in the 21st Century

Year: 2020


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 Public Exclusion of Seniors

Renata Švestková, Motlová Lenka


The aim of the paper is to describe the issue of public exclusion of seniors aged 65+ living in home environment in the Czech Republic. Given the demographic aging of the population, social exclusion is a topical issue that can take various kinds and forms (spatial; economic; cultural, social and political exclusion and symbolic exclusion). The authors will focus on the interest of seniors in politics, elections and social life of seniors. This is often limited due to several factors related to social background and its shrinking or due to the impaired physical condition of the target group of 65+ seniors, where live in their home environment. It is not common for seniors to make new social contacts in a targeted way, so public social events are important for seniors. They can serve as a space for targeted meetings of seniors or as an opportunity to meet people from the locality and make acquaintances. Involvement in public life is primarily a personal choice where seniors can attend social events for the sake of interest, but primarily larger social events are refused (unless it is a local event) and their interest is directed more towards events aimed at the elderly. In particular, the associations are very stimulating, but in places the need for such events is reflected and supported by the municipal administration. The contribution was supported from the project „Social exclusion of seniors 65+ living in the home environment in the CZ“, no.LTC18066, Ministry of Education (CZ), INTER-EXCELLENCE program, INTER-COST sub-program.

Keywords: political exclusion; social background; social life; elections; home environment.

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Renata Svestkova

University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

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Motlová Lenka

Faculty of Health and Social Sciences


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