Who should attend

Who Should Attend

For people who opt for careers in academic leadership, publishing, higher education, or writing, attending academic conferences is an essential component of the academic process. Scholars discuss their work or research findings to peers at these sizable occasions. There are many chances to ask follow-up questions and have further discussions about their viewpoints.

That is why ICNAEDUCATION is designed for members of the academia and non-profit, public, and private sector members who are interested in the latest research and academic developments in the field of Education, Teaching and Learning.

The event is a must-attend for university faculty and staff, master’s students and PHD candidates, advisors and counselors, career officers, teaching and research assistants, public and private school professionals, scientists, elementary, primary, and secondary school teachers, human resources specialists, members of local and international non-profit organizations in the field of education, educational policy makers and government contractors, private sector specialists in the fields of education, teaching and learning.

Who else is attending?

The ICNAEDUCATION conference will be of special interest to:

Who should attend

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Flagship Conference on Education and learn about the New Approaches


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The conference is seeking submissions related to the following conference topics:
Educatione-LearningEnglish and Foreign Language Teaching (ELT/FLT), Learning and TeachingOther related topics will also be considered.

Who should attend
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